Just photos of us, family and friends.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The January Blues!

Graham's not feeling well today. And he has a piano lesson and a big concert tonight at Parecell's. Rehearsals etc. Posted by Picasa


Sara said...

Erwin is sick, too, with a bad cold he probably picked up subbing last week. This is the third day in a row he's been out on his back all day, which puts me right back in the germ juggling boat for visiting Grammy.

I hope Graham feels well enough to enjoy his concert.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Graham almost didn't go to school, but he didn't want to miss the rehearsals. He did well! His voice sounded OK!

SO sorry to hear that Erwin is sick! WAHN! Hope you don't get sick too. Gail is sick.

Yeah, what a pain to be afraid to visit Grammy.