Just photos of us, family and friends.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Mongolian Grille

After going to the Chinese Buffet in PA with Pam and Herb, where they had a Mongolian Grille, I talked Keith into visiting ours. You pick ingredients from a salad bar-like arrangement and then they cook them for you, very yummy! We had fun. Graham came too and had macaroni and cheese and a rootbeer float. The bad news is that now that we discovered the Mongolian Grille and like it, we learned that they are closing Friday. This Friday. Posted by Picasa


BerryBird said...

What a bummer that they're closing!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Yeah, it's so close that when Graham finished eating he walked home.

And it was REALLY GOOD.

I guess there are some similar places not too far away.