Just photos of us, family and friends.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Stop Along the Boardwalk

Photo by Sara, 8/24/08.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Cute! You need a little fill flash! Is this E's spot?

Sara said...

Huh, on my screen this one is bright to the point of being almost washed out. There was another version that was darker, but I went and double checked, and I did post the brighter one.

Yes, this is the same spot Erin was at recently. The weather was very bad for pictures today, way too humid.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

When I make it big, I can see your face, but small it is totally lost in shadow on my laptop monitor.

Very hot here.

And I didn't sleep a wink last night which makes it all the more unbearable. AK.

Big 100th birthday party for Uncle Bob.

Erin said...

I also cannot see your face, as it is in shadow.

Was it very buggy? Did you find it hard to resist "falling" into the lake?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

yes,w as it buggy? We're having a drought now. Surely it's still not raining there every day?

Sara said...

It was fairly buggy, yes. As long as I lept walking I was fine, but any little pause provided feast to the bloodsuckers. I finished the loop in exactly one hour, terribly sweaty. The lake had a bit of an algae bloom going, so it wasn't as appealing for dunking as sometimes.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

We haven't been getting out at ALL since BB has been painting the house, but before that, with a few notable exceptions, it hasn't been very buggy here. Too bad there are still bugs there, usually they drop off in Aug and September. (Happy Labor Day and September.)