Just photos of us, family and friends.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mary's constitutional today

I spent my contituional today hauling brush for Mark and Erin to feed through the chipper.

This is me after 65 minutes of hauling brush, heading back in, standing in front of the dumpster that the roof guys used. I'm wearing a hat and overshirt because the skeebies were bad. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

That does sound like a good constitutional, or a good variation on one anyway. Yard work can be quite vigorous. I weeded for 35 minutes yesterday while it was nice and cool and was still sweating buckets by the time I hauled three big loads into the woods.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Yup, I was walking back and forth with brush for 65 minutes, that has to be nearly as good as ordinary walking--or maybe better.

a/k/a Nadine said...

Good exercise and good help as well. We wouldn't have been able to get half as much done without your help. We'll try to be over tomorrow to do some more chipping. (Don't feel you have to help us though, I know you have lots to do.)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I was happy to help! :-D AS for tomorrow, we'll have to wait and see! :-D